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A Flokk on a horse
Canada’s beef industry must find our own path to livestock traceability

Absence, thankfully, of crisis has resulted in insufficient attention and resources to Canadian livestock traceability for it to sustain fitness for purpose. Canada’s livestock stakeholders must urgently establish a plan that rapidly and affordably resolves known deficiences in our livestock traceablity within the political, financial, and technical realities of 2025.

CCIA Calving book
Why is the CCIA still giving away calving books in 2025?

Why is the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency still offering the same calving books provided to Canadian ranchers since at least 1925?

Petri dish with listeria culture
The CFIA must complete long delayed amendments to Candian livestock traceability regulation

The CFIA's half decade of procrastination amending Canada's livestock traceability regultions is dangerous and inexcusable.

Flokk on horse
Flokk "Powered by Raspberry Pi"

Raspberry Pi has recognized Flokk's innovative use of their product with inclusion in the "Powered by Raspberry Pi" program.

Flokk proposes proactive response to bill C-293

Alberta's livestock industry needs to provide a proactive response to the issues raised in C-293

Cover, Feeding the Future with Canadian Technology
Feeding the Future with Canadian Technology report released

The Arrell Food Institute has released a report with recommendations on how Canada can become the world’s top supplier of agricultural technologies.

Cover, Navigating Climate Change: Alberta’s Carbon Program for Sustainable Agriculture
Our thoughts on "Navigating Climate Change: Alberta’s Carbon Program for Sustainable Agriculture"

We have some thoughts, and reccomendations, on this important policy paper from The Simpson Centre

MyLivestock logo
MyLivestock offers an innovative Canadian livestock transport solution.

MyLivestock is building a complete, unified, easy to use Canada-wide movement management and reporting app for the Livestock Industry

Smart Paddock logo
Smart Paddock delivers affordable animal location tracking

Smart Paddock provides an innovative, and affordable, solution for animal location and behaviour tracking.

Using a Flokk
Flokk featured in The Western Producer

Flokk's journey was highlighted in an article by John Greig in the Western Producer.

CFIA logo
The opportunities from digitizing Canadian livestock traceability

In February the CFIA published "What we heard report - Consultation on proposed changes to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability)

CRSB logo
Flokk secures CRSB membership

Flokk becomes the only digital traceability solution provider member of the Canadian Roundtable of Sustainable Beef.