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Image of a rancher roping a cow

The Farmer Adoption Dilemma


I have seen, and received several referrals to, McKinsey & Company’s report “Agtech: Breaking down the farmer adoption dilemma”. After giving it a careful read, I wanted to share what we learned.

Agtech application to livestock is an unexplored opportunity

On a gross revenue basis, NA livestock production is 75% as large as crop production. Yet Agtech application to livestock production remains so limited that it is not even mentioned in the report.

This confirms our understanding; livestock producers face the same challenges as crop producers, but are far less effectively served by Agtech. A huge opportunity exists mobilizing Agtech for livestock production.

Regulation will obsolete paper based processes

McKinsey’s report discusses “Regulation’s increasingly important role”. We agree.

Imminent publication of Canada’s livestock traceability regulation will ignite, and delivering the industries ESG response will drive, livestock producer adoption of Agtech.

Time to seize opportunities

The reports final section, “Time to seize the opportunities”, outlines four strategies to drive Agtech option:

  1. Personalizing products and business models

Flokk offers flexible functionality and pricing options, ensuring a compelling value proposition for every producer. Flokk, uniquely, offers the option for outright purchase, a precondition for many producers.

  1. Making the customer journey easier

The Flokk adoption journey:

  • Connect to WiFi
  • Run configuration Wizard
  • Use

I have personally taken a 150 head herd from no records to complete implementation in four hours.

  1. Renewing trust in data storage and sharing

Flokk is unique in storing all data on the producers Flokk hand held device. The producers data is entirely, and irrevocably, in the producers physical possession.

Flokk is fully committed to transparency, and customer opt-in, for data sharing and amalgamation.

  1. Integrating solutions versus amassing point-based solutions

Flokk’s priority is “Connecting the herd”. Providing no-effort access to best of breed shared solutions is the way forward for both Flokk and the industry.


What did we learn? Flokk is mobilizing strategies that others are just discovering.

And at the same time, offering unprecedented implementation affordability.

How did we achieve this without expensive consultants? Simple; every member of the Flokk team has hands on experience in livestock production. We intimately know what producers need, and we are delivering it.

Flokk offers the opportunity to profit from best in practice Agtech adoption strategies, applied to a huge green field domain.